1、The certified organization effectiveness is based on certification certificate
and the announcement on the web is only as a reference. Please contact the center
if there is any question about certificate effectiveness or any differences between
the certificate and the announcement. The center will not be responsible for any
losses due to not timely confirmation;
2、Because it’s limited for net capacity to enter enough information, please contact
the center if it needs to check the detailed certification information for “multi-name
or multi-site” certification organizations;
3、Besides the center’s web, it’s available to login Certification and Accreditation
Administration of the People’s Republic of China ( or China National
Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment ( to check;
4、The “proof”, “instruction” or similar documents relevant with the certificate
status are all issued by the center headquarters. If you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact the center.
Contact department: market department Tel: 010-68396633